Not your average Axe throwing session, Our enthusiastic instructors will assist and guide you through the basic how to on the art of hitting the board. 

Hear the satisfying thud of your axe hitting the wooden boards, and maybe a bull's-eye!

Our Axe throwing venues really are the place to be to to guarantee sheer banter and laughs

We begin each and every activity with a short but thorough safety brief, ensuring your throwing time is maximised.

We provide a detailed instruction of technique, hand you the equipment tailored to your needs, our instructors will then help participants individually to get you throwing confidently.

Once everyone is hopefully landing on target, we move on to group throwing and set some axe throwing games.

If your feeling competitive we can end the session with a friendly competition.

Packages are as follows    

  • BRONZE up to 6 throwers £165
  • SILVER up to 10 throwers £275
  • GOLD up to 16 throwers £412.50 (1 FREE PLACE)
  • PLATINUM Axe + Archery or Target Shooting up to 10 Shooters £425   


Games Played At


Exciting Multi Activity Site

North London

Location, Location, Location


Stoke on Trent, home to the premier paintball park serving the Northwest, Staffordshire and Cheshire

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