Airsoft is a military based game in which participants eliminate each other by tagging them out with plastic projectiles shot with mock air weapons called airsoft guns,

Airsoft is a fantastic sport and hobby perfect for those looking for a fun activity that keeps you active, and requires you to use your head as much as your body.

Many of the original fans of airsoft are people who can replicate their favorite action hero in a more realistic way. Other influencers such as pop culture, strategy games and, of course, military history played its part in the development of this game. It led to varied game modes, being thought up to incorporate a strategical element

  • Specific Walk on Days (See diary)
  • intimate tailored bookings (2 hour sessions)
  • Rental Kit Hire
  • Tactics, precision, and teamwork

from taster to hobbyist Airsoft at our venues hits all the right spots

PARTY PACKAGES FROM as little as £29.25 per person

  • BRONZE up to 10 players private 2 hour session £325
  • SILVER up to 16 players private 2 hour session £487.50 *1 FREE PLACE
  • GOLD   up to 20 players private 2 hour session £585 *2 FREE PLACES

Packages are booked up to the amount of players you require, for more bespoke packages *CALL TO BOOK

  1. Gather the troops
  2. Choose your venue
  3. BOOK NOW 

Games Played At


Exciting Multi Activity Site


One of the UK's oldest standing paintball sites.


Kent's flagship paintball and multi activity centre

North London

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